Confidentiality Noncompetition and Invention Assignment Agreement Amazon

When you`re hired by a company, it`s not uncommon to be asked to sign various agreements to protect that company`s interests. One such agreement is the confidentiality noncompetition and invention assignment agreement, which Amazon uses to protect its intellectual property.

This agreement has several components, so let`s break them down one by one:

Confidentiality: As an employee of Amazon, you`ll have access to sensitive information that the company doesn`t want getting into the hands of its competitors. This could include things like product designs, trade secrets, and financial information. The confidentiality component of the agreement prohibits you from sharing this information with anyone outside of Amazon, both during your employment and after you leave.

Noncompetition: Amazon is a competitive company, and it doesn`t want its employees taking their knowledge and skills to a rival organization. The noncompetition component of the agreement restricts you from working for a competing company for a certain period of time after you leave Amazon. The specifics of this restriction vary by role and location, but generally speaking, it can range from six months to several years.

Invention assignment: Amazon is constantly innovating and developing new technology, and it wants to make sure that any intellectual property created by its employees belongs to the company. The invention assignment component of the agreement states that any patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property created by you during your employment at Amazon belong to the company.

It`s important to note that signing this agreement doesn`t necessarily mean you`re giving up your rights to anything you`ve created in the past or outside of work. It only applies to things you create while working at Amazon.

So why does Amazon need this agreement? In short, to protect its interests. By keeping its sensitive information confidential, preventing employees from working for competitors, and ensuring that any intellectual property created by its employees belongs to the company, Amazon can maintain its competitive edge and continue to innovate.

If you`re considering a job at Amazon (or any company that requires a similar agreement), it`s important to read and understand the terms before signing. If you`re uncertain about any of the language or restrictions, consider speaking with a lawyer or HR representative for clarification.

Overall, the confidentiality noncompetition and invention assignment agreement is a standard practice in many industries, and it`s intended to protect both the employer and the employee. By following the terms of the agreement, you can help ensure a successful career at Amazon.