Acorn Tenancy Agreement

Acorn Tenancy Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are a landlord or a tenant, you need to have a tenancy agreement in place to ensure that the tenancy runs smoothly without any legal disputes. One of the types of tenancy agreements is the Acorn tenancy agreement, which is a relatively new type of agreement that is becoming increasingly popular.

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about the Acorn tenancy agreement and how it works for landlords and tenants.

What is an Acorn Tenancy Agreement?

An Acorn tenancy agreement is a type of assured shorthold tenancy. It is a short-term agreement that is designed to be straightforward and easy to understand for both landlords and tenants. The agreement typically runs for a period of 6 or 12 months, but it can be extended if both parties agree.

The Acorn tenancy agreement was first introduced by the housing charity, Acorn, in 2015. It was created to help tenants who were struggling to find affordable and secure accommodation in the private rented sector. The agreement aims to give tenants greater protection against unexpected rent increases and eviction.

What are the Key Features of an Acorn Tenancy Agreement?

The key features of an Acorn tenancy agreement include the following:

Rent: The rent is agreed between the landlord and the tenant before the agreement is signed. The rent cannot be increased during the fixed term of the agreement, which is usually 6 or 12 months.

Security of Tenure: The Acorn tenancy agreement provides tenants with a minimum of 6 months` security of tenure. This means that the landlord cannot evict the tenant without a valid reason and following proper legal procedures.

Deposit: Landlords are required to place the tenant`s deposit in a government-approved deposit protection scheme. The deposit is usually equivalent to 4-6 weeks` rent.

Repairs and Maintenance: The landlord is responsible for keeping the property in a good state of repair and ensuring that all appliances and services provided are in good working order.

Notice Period: The notice period for ending the tenancy is usually 2 months. Both the landlord and the tenant must give notice in writing.

What are the Benefits of an Acorn Tenancy Agreement?

The benefits of an Acorn tenancy agreement for tenants include the following:

Protection Against Unfair Eviction: The agreement provides tenants with greater protection against unfair eviction. This means that tenants can feel more secure in their homes.

Fixed Rent: Tenants know exactly how much they need to pay for rent throughout the fixed term of the agreement. They don`t have to worry about unexpected rent increases.

Deposit Protection: The tenant`s deposit is protected in a government-approved deposit protection scheme. This means that they are more likely to get their deposit back at the end of the tenancy.

The benefits of an Acorn tenancy agreement for landlords include the following:

Clear and Simple Agreement: The agreement is designed to be clear and simple, making it easy for landlords to understand their obligations.

Greater Tenant Security: The agreement provides tenants with greater security, which can lead to longer tenancies and fewer void periods.


An Acorn tenancy agreement is an increasingly popular type of assured shorthold tenancy that provides both landlords and tenants with many benefits. The agreement is designed to be simple and easy to understand, providing tenants with greater protection against unfair eviction and unexpected rent increases. Landlords benefit from greater tenant security, which can lead to longer tenancies and fewer void periods. If you are a landlord or a tenant, an Acorn tenancy agreement may be the right choice for you.